Gail and Denvy
Almost 50 Years and Counting
Year Thirty-Nine - 2008




     June 3, just weeks before his grandparents' anniversary, Riley Saxowsky, the fourth grandchild, entered the world on the other side of the continent. That's now two granddaughters born to Gail and Denvy's daughter and two grandsons born to their son. The mystery Riley brought with him was the coloration of his eyes and hair. A fair blue-eyed baby born to two dark haired and eyed parents. It must have been some Scottish blood from generations earlier.

Teaching in China

     During the summer of 2007, while Weiwei was talking to her father in China on the phone, she handed Denvy the phone. Kan Zhang enjoyed talking and a chance to talk to an English speaking American gave him a greater chance to practice his excellent English. During the conversation Denvy mentioned how he and Gail hoped to teach in China some day. That day came the following August.
     For two months Gail and Denvy taught English at Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University in Nanchang, China. They taught nine classes each, typically speaking and writing English. They had the same students, both in different classes. Those to whom Gail taught writing, Denvy taught speaking, and visa versa. They spent many weekends traveling first to Changsha to visit a student from Western Oregon University, Then tourist sites like Hangzhou and Guilin.
     In the second month Denvy's prostrate became a health issue and after several weeks with no improvements and the advice of both Chinese and American doctors they returned to Oregon two months prematurely. The timing was good as Gail too was suffering pains specifically in her back. After an emergency stay in the hospital in December Denvy was diagnosed with an infection that probably was the source of all the problems. After the infection was controlled, life returned to normal. Getting her back aligned and sleeping on her own bed relieved Gail of her discomforts also.